What time does school start each day?
Classes start at 9.20am each day. Due to rush hour traffic, it is advisable to be in school approximately 5-10 minutes before the morning bell.
What time do lunch breaks take place?
There is a 10 minute break each day at 11am, and a 30 minute break at 12.30pm.
What time does school finish each day?
School finishes at 3pm each day.
What should I do if my child is absent?
Please send a note to your child’s class teacher on the day that your child returns from their absence. Templates for notes can be found in the back of your child’s homework diary. It is very important that your child’s class teacher receives a note explaining their absence.
What should I do if my child is late for school?
In order to make the most of the school day and to minimise disruptions to teaching, please try to avoid lateness where possible. Of course, there will be times when lateness in unavoidable, in cases such as these, please include a note in your child’s homework diary for their teacher.
What if I need to collect my child before the end of the school day?
Where possible, send a note to your child’s class teacher in their homework diary to advise that they will be collected early. Please report to the office, where Martina will call for your child and will provide you with a sign out book. It is very important that no child is removed from the school premises unless they have been signed out at the office.
How do I meet with my child’s teacher?
Official Parent-Teacher Meetings are held once a year. Each parent will be allocated a 10 minute slot with their child’s class teacher. If you need to meet with your child’s teacher at another time in the school year, please contact the office and Martina will assist you with the arrangement of a meeting. To minimise disruption to teaching time, it is not possible to schedule any meetings between 9.20 and 3pm.
What if I wish to speak to the principal?
Please contact the office and Martina will assist you with the arrangement of a meeting.
Where can I find information about School Closures, Important Dates, Parent Teacher Meetings etc?
Newsletters will be sent home at the beginning of each term to advise of closures, important dates, meetings etc. The school website has a school calendar which will be kept up to date with the latest news and events, it is advisable to check the website frequently.
Does the school have a Healthy Eating Policy?
Yes, Scoil Iosef Naofa is a health conscious school. Fizzy drinks are prohibited at all times. Chocolate, sweets and crisps are not permitted in school Monday – Thursday. On a Friday, one small treat is allowed.
What Extra Curricular Activities take place in Scoil Iosef Naofa?
A wide range of Extra Curricular Activities are available in our school. For example: Camogie, Hurling, Athletics, Tag Rugby, Football, Soccer, Quiz, Dancing, Choir. For further details, please refer to the school website where all relevant information will be displayed.