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Warriors and Heroes Challenge 2014
“Those who say that we’re in a time when there are no heroes, they just don’t know where to look”
At a time when Roscrea needs heroes more than ever before, the children of Corville NS are asking……..are you a warrior or a hero?
Over the next few weeks, the school and community will be setting off on an exciting new adventure with the goal of raising funds for the new school extension and autism unit; as well as the construction of a new pupil’s shed, car park and set-down area. We hope for as many people as possible to participate in this fundraising event by becoming either a warrior or a hero.
Warriors: are those that will run, walk or crawl the Dublin City Marathon on October 27th. It really is all about having a fun day out! We already have an enthusiastic group of warriors in training but we could always do with more volunteers. Anyone interested in signing up for the marathon in aid of Scoil Iosef Naofa will be greeted with open arms. Contact the school with your details and your name added to the warrior list.

Heroes: are those that will be fundraising for the school. The Heroes have a massive part to play in this event. Sponsorship cards are available from the school office or by contacting the school on 0505-21485.
Local Business Sponsorship: Our local businesses have shown fantastic support for our Warriors and Heroes Fundraising Campaign through their generous sponsorship. We would like to thank each and every one of them for their contribution to the community, through our school – Bernie’s Supervalu, Vozzas Tasty Burger, RAE Autofactor, Dohertys Hardware, Milan Motors, Stephen O’ Toole Car Repairs, Douglas Hardware, Drennans Butchers, Pattersons Hardware, Teresa’s Deli/ Auburn Lounge, Fitzpatricks Buses, Corville Stores, Shaws Roscrea, Luptons & Associates Accountants, Seamus Browne REA, Roscrea Centre Pharmacy, Movie Time Roscrea, My Special Time Montessori, DIY Centenary Store, Noel Hayes Bus Hire, Sean Maher Haulage, James Shanahan Cleaning, Alan Graham Painter, Slí Dála B&B, Maddens Pharmacy, Mulrooneys Gala, O Donnell Hobbs Jewellers, Moloney Sportswear
Online Donations: can be made via the My Charity Website (www.mycharity.ie/charity/corvillens/). Our charity partner for this event is Pieta House Roscrea.
Keep up to Date: in the run-up to the big event we will be posting regular updates on this website and via social media. Friend us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter!